WNW Member #1484 Pat Perry has just released a brand new book, Drawings About Black Holes. The book is currently sold out but more will be released soon. Perry clued us in on the process:
"The book was drawn over the past year in several different places while I was traveling. George Wietor (of Issue Press) and I put together a short run of 300 books by hand in a tiny studio in Grand Rapids over the past few weeks."
The Intro to Drawings About Black Holes
“They built a star that consumed them whole, and throughout its short period of magnificent luminosity, there never came a time when it was bright enough to satisfy them. Within a century, the whole world had been poured into it and the keepers of the star applauded each other for building the kingdom of light.”
The awful masterpiece collapsed as fast as it had been erected, and has been shining falsely for years now while the light in our eyes catches up to time. Black holes are all around, and the black holes are growing faster than the star itself ever could, absorbing everything around them, merging with each other, and riding on the dream of a burnt out star. The keepers continue the myth of their sun with a rotten superculture of a billion blinking lights, while whole tribes go unnoticed in the darkness where starlight never shined.
We must be on the watch during our brief moment. If we wait until the holes are at our doorstep, our neighbor’s houses will already be gone. Black holes are impossible to see from inside. They are all around us now, but there are bright spots through vales behind them.