Need to Remind a Non-Social-Distancer? ClearTheAirDrop Lets Typography & GIFs of Glenn Close & Sting Do the Talking
A lot of Working Not Working Members are using their creative savvy to help spread important messages in these strange times. ClearTheAirDrop is a great example of such an exercise. Concepted and created by WNW Member Lane Karczewski in collaboration with 18 WNW Members across the country, ClearTheAirDrop is a collection of messages for non-social-distancers, delivered safely and non-confrontationally via iPhone AirDrop. It’s hard to navigate the awkward interaction of reminding someone to keep their distance. This project lets posters with large beautiful type and artistic GIFs of Glenn Close and Sting do the talking.
It’s a simple two-step process to take part in the project.
STEP ONE: Using your iPhone, head to and pick a design. Then hold down on the image and swipe up to reveal the share menu.
STEP TWO: Hit share, and then AirDrop. Keep a safe distance, AirDrop works up to 30 feet away.
Ingrid Chang, Erica Canup, Brad Kayal, Jess Kemmerling, Ryan Tovani, David Kim, Tori McGoogan, Brian Vandeputte, Roseanne Overton, Max Hendren, Yelena Rybkina, Joy Scull, Allison Bhatta, Angie McDonald, Kathryn Izquierdo-Gallegos, Tucker Lebsack, Matt Kelsen, Steph Langan
David Kim
Jess Kemmerling
Tori McGoogan
Ryan Tovani
Tori McGoogan
Brian Vandeputte
Tucker Lebsack
Max Hendren
Erica Canup
Brad Kayal