Everybody Worries: A Jon Burgerman Picture Book for Children Worried About Coronavirus
WNW Member Jon Burgerman is one of the most generous artists we know. This applies to his prolific output, his willingness to share his gifts (like on this doodling session he hosted for the WNW community), and the very nature of his improvisational work. It’s an invitation to embrace your inner child and the sense of wonder that tags along. His latest project is Everybody Worries, a free e-picture book from Oxford University Press for children worried about the pandemic. It’s also a thoughtful gift to parents (including his own friends with kids) who are currently navigating how best to have these difficult conversations.
“I decided to write a book about worry and stress and how normal it is and how we can try and mitigate it. I think we might not acknowledge that small children worry as much as they do. Without a means of expressing their anxieties, the stress can manifest and have adverse effects.”
The book has been endorsed by clinical psychologists specializing in anxiety in young children and concludes with some links to places that can help if your child feels anxious or worried.
Portrait by Bas Berkhout