Going Freelance: Building and Branding Your Own Success
Running Working Not Working over the years has given us an inside look into the best practices of going freelance. We're continually inspired by our members and we've learned a lot from their successes - and their struggles. Because it can be scary to take the freelance plunge, we created a Skillshare class that sets the foundation of working for yourself, Going Freelance: Building and Branding Your Own Success. Hopefully you'll leave informed and inspired about ways to seek out the work you want - and in the process draw work back to you.
Missing your school days? We put together a list below of WNW members who have also shared their expertise through Skillshare.
Curious how you can teach? Good news, Skillshare will work with WNW members to create your own class.
Happy learning!
Dan Matutina
Non-Traditional Branding: Design Your Obsession
An Online Skillshare Class by Rich Greco